Monday 28 June 2010

Stephen Covey - Prioritisation Grid

Using Stephen Covey's prioritisation grid enables you to organise tasks based on their urgency and importance. Instinct tells us to action the urgent tasks first however in theory we should shift our focus to the important ones first.

Tasks deem to be Urgent & Important must be completed straight away. Once they have been actioned the Important & Non Urgent tasks should be completed. The third set of tasks to complete would be the Not Important but urgent tasks. Finally the Not Important or Urgent should be reviewed. Ask yourself if they actually need to be completed at all or are they just a distraction.


Assignment Structure Feedback

A good thing to consider when preparing a piece like this (or an essay or a presentation) is to:

- Tell us what you are going to tell us (intro)
- Tell us it (main body)
- Tell us what you told us (conclusion / summary)

Typos/ spelling/ homophones ie stuff that the spellchecker doesn't find such as there/their - so make sure you proof read

No conclusion (see above ie 'tell us what you told us')

No implementation ideas for the changes/ improvementsBalance of words for each section. With equal marks for each section you should aim to have roughly equal number of words for each section, otherwise you tend to cover too much detail in one part and run out of words for enough detail in the other part.